Last updated December 19,2023

The portal is managed by "GATE S.R.L", based in Portoferraio, Via Cacció n. 5, with I.V.A. number 01976730497, enrolled to the number 218935 of the Economic Administrative Repertoire of the province of Livorno.

The portal as a meeting place.
The Portal is a meeting place that allows Owners to advertise one or more properties for rent and a user (Traveller) to book it. The Portal offers the possibility of online bookings and other tools or services to allow Owners and Travellers to communicate with each other and to conclude lease agreements or other operations between them. The lease agreements are concluded exclusively between the Traveller and the Owner. The portal is not a party to, and does not become a party to, any contractual relationship between the Traveler and the Owner, and does not act as a mediator between the Traveler and the Owner should any dispute arise between them.

The ads are published directly by the Owners/ Managers/ Operators through their private area or via Channel Manager. The Portal is not responsible for what is entered by the Owners/ Managers. For accommodation descriptions, photos, check in and check out times, additional services, final cleaning and damage deposit and/or other services, see the specific conditions of each individual accommodation.

Booking conditions.
The booking of the accommodation will be confirmed when the portal will have received the deposit of 30% of the total amount of the rental price and the reservation fee. In case of payment by bank transfer, the traveler must send the maximum deposit payment by 10.00 am of the day following the booking date, after which the booking will be automatically cancelled and considered invalid. The reservation of the accommodation will be considered completed at the time of the receipt by Traveller, of the "Booking confirmed" sent by the portal by mail. For online bookings, the portal reserves the right to cancel the payment within 48 hours of the same and consider the reservation void if for any reason the booked property is not available.In the case of "on request" booking, the booking will be confirmed only and exclusively following acceptance by the owner/manager. If the date of reservation does not correspond to the date of payment of the deposit, despite receipt of the booking confirmation, the Portal reserves the right to cancel the payment and cancel the reservation, or confirm it. The balance of the rent must be made according to the specifications indicated by the individual accommodation and visible in the booking confirmation, in any case must take place before the start of the stay. After the above mentioned terms the reservation will be considered void and subject to the specific penalties of each individual accommodation. For bookings entered within the payment terms of the balance, it is necessary to send the total at the time of booking. In this case, the booking will be considered completed if the balance is credited before entering the accommodation. Ferry tickets, if required, must be paid in full at the time of booking.

Damage deposit.
The deposit must be delivered in the way indicated by each individual accommodation visible on the advertisement and in the booking confirmation. In case the deposit has been delivered to the portal, as a non-interest-bearing security deposit, the same will be returned within 3 working days from the day of check-out, in the same way as it was paid. In case of damage caused by the host, the deposit will be retained by the portal until the quantification of damage by the owner and returned deducting what is necessary for the restoration of the damage. In the event that the deposit does not cover the damage caused by the traveler will be the responsibility of the owner to act against the traveler being excluded the Gate srl from any liability giving any type or reason with the acceptance of these conditions.

Obligations of the Traveller.
  • The Traveler is obliged to check the correctness of the data given in all the documentation sent by the portal concerning the rental and any ferry tickets if required. Any errors and/ or inaccuracies must be communicated promptly to the portal as late communications will revoke any liability of Gate srl.
  • The Traveller must inform the owner of the accommodation or his delegate of any defects in the property and furnishings within 24 hours of delivery. In the absence of any notification, these defects shall be presumed attributable to the Traveller himself.
Information, descriptions, offers, seasonality and rates are to be considered accurate unless errors, omissions and updates. The portal reserves the right to communicate any changes at any time. Should force majeure make it necessary, the same reserves the right to replace the accommodation and/ or the place of stay with accommodation of the same type.

In case of cancellation, the Traveler will be obliged to pay the booking fee and the penalty in the percentages indicated in the form of each hotel and in the booking confirmation. In the case of purchase of the ferry ticket the cancellation conditions are those applied by the individual shipping companies referred to in the ticket purchased.

In case of any inconvenience not resolved by the person in charge of the property, the Traveller is asked to contact the portal immediately in order to allow our intervention for the resolution of the same. Any complaint made late or exposed after the end of the stay, therefore without possibility of adversarial, will have the value of simple reporting and will not give the Traveller the right to request any refund and/ or other for any reason.

The original text of these terms and conditions is in Italian. The translated versions are unofficial and therefore have no legal value. In case of disputes, differences or contrasts between the Italian text and text in other languages, the Italian version will prevail.

Competent court.
For any disputes and disputes, only the Court of Livorno and its branches will be competent.

General conditions of reservation.
These general booking conditions are read and accepted by the Traveller at the time of booking.

Technical organization:
GATE Srl - Portoferraio (LI) - Elba Island P. I. and C.F. 01976730497 - Registration REA to the C.C.I.A.A. of Livorno LI- 218935/2021 - Share Capital € 10,000 I.V.